Freitag, 30. August 2013

# 71 # St. Ives Great Britain

Tate St Ives is an art gallery in St Ives, Cornwall, England, exhibiting work by modern British artists. The Tate also manages another, earlier, property in St Ives, the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden which it opened in 1980.

Tate St Ives ist eine Kunstgalerie in St Ives, Cornwall, England, präsentiert Arbeiten von modernen britischen Künstlern. Die Tate verwaltet auch andere, früher, Immobilien in St Ives, das Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden, die es im Jahr 1980 eröffnet.

(Quelle: Wikipedia)
The stamp 

Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

# 70 # Minsk - Belarus

Minsk: Die Kirche zu Ehren aller Heiligen und zum Gedächtnis der Ermordeten unseres Vaterlands (weißrussisch Храм-помнік ў гонар Усіх Святых і ў памяць бязвінна забітых у Айчыне нашай; russisch Храм-памятник в честь Всех святых и в память убиенных во Отечестве нашем) ist eine im Jahr 2006 fertiggestellte russisch-orthodoxe Kirche der Metropolie von Minsk in der weißrussischen Hauptstadt Minsk. Das weithin sichtbare Gotteshaus wurde mit staatlicher Unterstützung als nationale Gedenkstätte für alle gefallenen und ermordeten weißrussischen Soldaten und Zivilisten des napoleonischen Russlandfeldzugs 1812 und der deutschen Eroberungszüge im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg errichtet.

(Quelle Wikipedia)

The stamp

Dienstag, 27. August 2013

# 69 # Venosa - Italy


The building was started with the use of materials from monuments of various civilizations, including the Roman, Lombard and Jewish. Its design dates back to the twelfth century, when the Ancient Church was deemed an unsuitable place to hold the growing number of followers, so it was decided to engineer a vast expansion behind the apse, with the aim of creating a single large basilica.
It is said that the works, subsidized by the Benedictines, began in mid-1100, but the pace gradually diminished, due to the heritage of the Benedictines and also because they were forced to abandon Venosa due to the suppression of their monastery at the behest of Pope Boniface VIII in 1297. This was due to the "Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem" (hereinafter known as the Knights of Malta), who lost their possessions in Palestine during the Last Crusade .
The Order did not pay attention to the system of the new monastic church and settled its headquarters in Venosa, precisely in the "Palace of the Bailiff." Since that time, the structure was never completed. However, other interventions were implemented as the portal in the fourteenth century and the bell tower in the sixteenth century, but at the architectural level the Unfinished Church remained so. Today the monument is entrusted to the ancient order of the Trinitarian Fathers.

Quelle: Wikipedia
And the stamp

Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

# 68 # Kyoto - Japan

Arashiyama is a district on the western outskirts of Kyoto, Japan.
A good resort for tourists all the year round; leaves burn in fresh yellows and reds in autumn, mountains covered by white snow in winter, pink cherry brossums blooming in river banks in spring and fresh green trees spread over in early summer.

Quelle: Wikipedia

the stamp
The card came from Singapore - the stamp is thus also from Singapore